Thursday, June 15, 2006

How well you know me

Today as I was driving to work, I passed a bridal store with a new window display and that got me thinking about how well you know me. It surprises and delights me when you share such a keen insight into my psyche.

I remember when we had only been married a short time (maybe a year) and all of our friends were also getting married. We made the rounds to all their somewhat low budget and predictable receptions. We would politely sip the cliche 'red death' fruit punch with sherbert froth, choke down some stale party mints, hear the same lame wedding toasts, and carefully regift a few of the hideous orange towels and punch bowl sets that we'd been given. Why break with tradition?

You once remarked very astutely that I only wanted to go these receptions to see the brides' dresses. Something about how I needed to make sure that I was still the fairest of them all. It was pretty much true, except I also knew everyone else would continue to use TanTop Bakery for their wedding cakes and I have a weakness for their buttercream frosting.

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