Sunday, February 04, 2007

You Listen

For the past couple of years I have been having the hardest struggles with my job. I dread it. I hate getting up in the morning and going into the office. I feel like I am literally chained to my desk and that no one truly appreciates what I am contributing. The inconsistency of my manager, having to play therapist for my coworkers, and the new "measurements" are taking a huge toll. I live for the weekends. I can't even begin to express my gratitude for your listening ear. You don't try to give me advise about switching jobs because we both understand why I am there and how much longer I have to serve this prison sentence. Thank you for allowing me to vent and show my true feelings. Thank you for giving me encouragement and hope. I'm sorry that nearly every evening conversation we've had in recent months has been about how much my job sucks. It makes me anxious, headachy and often neurotic and I thank you for putting up with me.

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