Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Magic Words

One of our first apartments on Curryer St. came with free cable. It was the first time we got the Comedy Channel. Our routine was to watch the Evening at the Improv while we ate our sumptuous gourmet dinner (which was usually shake and baked leg quarters with tater tots and green peas.) What can I say? I didn't have mad cooking skills back then. We also ate a lot of Domino's pizza for breakfast as it was a job perk. Once a guy was doing a set on things he had learned from his marriage. He was offering tips to all the guys so that they wouldn't have to learn by making the mistakes he had made. You pretended like you were going to take notes. He talked about silly and mysterious things women do like put seashells in the bathroom or not let you use the fancy little guest soaps. Then he said that his biggest discovery was the magic words to get out of any bind. I don't know if you remember any of his other advice but I know you took those magic words to heart. Anytime I ask you something you don't really want to answer you say those magic words: "You're thin and beautiful." awww, daisy stomp, how can I stay made at you when you say things like that? Guess I should get you the sampler of lug nuts and spark plugs.

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